Miscarriage Help What Are The Chances Of Miscarriage After Detecting A Heartbeat?

What are the chances of miscarriage after detecting a heartbeat? - miscarriage help

My first pregnancy with a miscarriage @ 5 weeks and 2 days ended. Well, I'm exactly 10 weeks of pregnancy. I had an ultrasound @ 9 weeks and saw the heartbeat and everything. My doctor says that everything goes according to plan, but I do still worry. What are the chances of a miscarriage @ this point? I had no bleeding or anything. I have many pins and pain in the stomach, but that's all. I thank you all for coming.


Momma! said...

Oh, sorry about your miscarriage. It is understandable that you're afraid, but I would not worry. A miscarriage after you've had a (5 weeks), usually means that the egg does not implant properly, seems to have done this pregnancy. Good luck to you!

Momma! said...

Oh, sorry about your miscarriage. It is understandable that you're afraid, but I would not worry. A miscarriage after you've had a (5 weeks), usually means that the egg does not implant properly, seems to have done this pregnancy. Good luck to you!

BrownEyd... said...

The potential for a much lower after 10 weeks. At week 15, if I remember correctly, only about 2 to 3%.
My mistake was (supposedly) a very unusual situation, but technically, the baby stopped growing at around 9 weeks. We did not hear the heart beat again, but after the heart of almost 6 weeks and 2 rounds of medication had been before I had a miscarriage.
Most miscarriages occur before 12 weeks. Until then, you should feel very safe.
We hope that the question be answered. Good luck to you!

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