How Long Before Op Take Diazepam I Had A Inguinal Hernia Op A Week Ago And My Testicule Is Swollen The Dr Said It Will Take A While To Go Back?

I had a inguinal hernia op a week ago and my testicule is swollen the dr said it will take a while to go back? - how long before op take diazepam

any normal person does not have this option remains, how long before the swelling of the testicles usually returns to normal


Craig R said...

They are a lot of jokes here. Joking aside, the surgical wound is controlled, and the area is very sensitive. You'll probably find a big drop in a week, but a little swelling in May persist for weeks or months (and after the pain goes away). This was the experience of my son, but he was six. Your mileage may vary.

pinhed_1... said...

one or both? Enjoy it while it lasts

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