Chocolate Milk Tastes Better What Tastes Good With Chocolate Milk?

What tastes good with chocolate milk? - chocolate milk tastes better

It tastes good with chocolate milk?


ZoZo said...


irisheye... said...

Marshmallows and whipped cream.

shaunaan... said...

Ice cream or crackers

Kitty K said...

I know this is not good, but it's so good ...
Stuff the mouth with popcorn and a glass of chocolate milk at home (with Hershey's syrup), all melts in your mouth. Try before you say eww.

Captain Morgan said...


Stephanie W said...

Bologna sandwich

clintwes... said...


StarDust said...

Toast with butter or margarine!

Ankhesan Amun said...

A nice peanut butter sammie. Mmmmm!

GUBA said...

yummmy cookies lol 4 my tummy

NONAME said...

More than milk chocolate.

juliad52... said...

Almost all types of cookies, cakes and marshmallows

hcoandfi... said...

hpot chocolate w / whipped cream!

Sarah Sugar butt said...

Peanut butter and jelly ......

Gufran H said...

Chocolate cookies
Man, I will now

WUTT said...

Try bananas.

blackhea... said...

And ice in a blender

blackhea... said...

And ice in a blender

dollly :) said...

Oreo cookies dipped in this mmmmmmmm! Even cream

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