Dunk Tank 6 Foot Arm Awesome Poll?? Rate Each Statement......???

Awesome Poll?? Rate each statement......??? - dunk tank 6 foot arm

On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being lame 10 is impressive, what do you think?
Cut and paste em if you can.

1. The movie O Brother, Where Art Thou is a comic genius.
2. Anyone who crosses the brush was, is and will always impressive.
3. Shaving cream actually 2 uses. Hilarious jokes and shave.
4. If your name is April and has a goal for AB / then f also April Fools Day is the day of innocent calld for you.
5. You can not triple stamp a double stamp.
6. I threw a ball to somebody in a container with water.
7. I was the person in the water tank.
8. Dunk tanks are impressive.
9. I was going on stilts.
10. I tried to walk on stilts until the end down and look like an idiot. But it was worth it anyway.

Thank you all!


Rissa said...

Where can I get the time, these "polls find awesome" too?

1. 6, it has great moments,
2. 10 absofrikinlutely
3. 7, I am sure I will find another use
4. 8, could be any day April Fools
5. 10 For I have no idea what that means
6. 2, I never had the opportunity to
7. 8, no, but it would be great
8. 10, now I really feel, from the plunge pool sanctuary, THANK YOU!
9. 10 boats, the disadvantages!
10. 10 you know

Princezz said...

1) 3
2) 9
3) 9
4) 5
5) 2
6) 1
7) 1
8) 2
9) 1
10) 1
wow! LOL

ooooh said...

How? .. What?

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